Information sufficiency threshold
information sufficiency is the amount of information needed by people to deal adequately with a given risk in their own lives
The sufficiency threshold is an individual's desired confidence level, or the point at which individuals feel capable of coping with their current motives. Typically, individuals will put sufficient cognitive effort until their level of confidence reaches their sufficiency threshold.
The sufficiency principle is based on two levels of confidence: the level of confidence an individual has in a judgment and the level of confidence an individual desires in a judgment.
a young girl lives at home with her obese mother. her mother seldomly cooks and when she does it's not healthy. she spends her days watching cartoon and snacking on chips and candies. when she goes to her next doctors appointment, she is informed that she is obese for her age and is at very high risk for diabetes.
on the other side of town there is a young boy who has not even begun puberty. his father is a champion bodybuilder and his mother is a yoga enthusiast. his father believes the earlier you start them on weights the better. he is shorter than the other boys his age but has much more muscle mass. when he visits the doctor, the doctor tells him he is in the lowest percentile for height.
They make you stronger
You learn more about yourself
Having one means you can help other people going through similar situations
You can teach people how to prevent it or how to grow from it
I have a couple