Answer: Dr. Flint told the faithful old servant that, under existing circumstances, it was necessary she should be sold.
This line shows the hardships of slaves better than the alternatives. In it, it describes the cruel condition that slaves were subjected to: being publicly sold. It also shows that they were unable to make plans for their future. Moreover, the passage is particularly sad because of the broken promise the mistress had made to the slave, and the woman's inability to regain her freedom.
The answer is An EXECUTIVE ORDER.
hope this helps
Sir Charles Wood
Sir Charles Wood was once and widely known as the President of the Board of Control when India was still under British rule. During this period, in 1854 Sir Charles Wood so many recommendations to the then Governor-General of India concerning education. These recommendations were later known as Wood's despatch among which is the recommendation for the establishment of Universities in India.
Answer: an Indian
Explanation: some Indians do not like it when people call them Indians so they are now called Native Americans
Flying Tigers. The 1st American Volunteer Group (AVG) of the Chinese Air Force in 1941–1942, nicknamed the Flying Tigers, was composed of pilots from the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC), Navy (USN), and Marine Corps (USMC), recruited under presidential authority and commanded by Claire Lee Chennault.