your account has enabled profile pictures for your users, you can manage all profile pictures for your account. Profile pictures are public and automatically approved when users upload an image in their settings. Using profile pictures can make it easier to see the users in your account and managing them gives you the ability to keep the pictures appropriate.
If Gravatars are enabled for an institution in account settings, and a user has a Gravatar but chooses not to upload a profile picture, the Gravatar will display for the user's profile picture.
If a student views another student's user details in a course and reports a profile picture as inappropriate, you can review those profile pictures and approve, lock, or delete the picture. In the courses, instructors can remove profile pictures completely from a user's details page.
The nursing usually takes up to 18 months, i.e. one year and a half.
The baby dolphin may however remain with his mum for up to 3-6 years.
Duplicate these displays.
<u>A. Show only on 1</u> <em>displays only the first screen and disconnects the second one</em>
<u>B. Extend these displays</u> <em>displays two different outputs on the same computer</em>
<u>C. Show only on 2.</u> <em>displays only the second screen and disconnects the first one</em>
<u>D. Duplicate these displays.</u> <em>displays the same output for both screen</em>
Answer: By understanding the basic cultural values of the individual such as looks and talk. Also understanding the core values of the individual such as attitude, beliefs and religion. It would improve the behavior in your professional and cultural relationship with individuals in your workplace.
I need to make this 20 charaters so ye