When Patricia checks her email use:
When Patricia brows a website and log in to post a comment use:
Email protocol
Patricia starts to check her email, the email application uses the protocol POP3.
The protocol TCP makes a connection with the server and transport the data.
Patricia receives her emails with the protocol IP on her computer.
Website protocol
Patricia started to surf and the protocol HTTP makes a connection with the internet.
The protocol TCP makes a connection with the server and transport the data.
With the protocol IP, she receives the website data.
With the protocol LDAP, Patricia makes a login to post the comment.
You're probably looking for DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
A positive of the sites of internet is that it can be very helpful to you like brainly. It can also educate you and help when you cant do you something like we have online classes since we can't go to school because of Corona
A negative of the sites of the internet is that sometimes people will try to trick you to do irresponsible things. Some will trick you for your address, credit card number, or using things unwisely. Because people don't know who is behind the screen they might be a criminal but they also don't know who you are until they get your address or information.
Red underline. Hope this helps.
I believe the correct answer is the first option. The primary difference between 3g and 4g cellular systems would be that 4g systems have faster transmission as compared to 3g. The G would mean generation. The very difference of both is their speeds.