<em>Since topic has not been given I am giving generalized opinion where you can add specific pointers.</em>
Respected editor,
Sub: Highlight the important factors of the stake holders
I know we all will be aware of various opinions that is prevailing among Government, business and people. Instead of satisfying one side, I have analyzed and recommending the best aspects.
Based on the opinions, I have chosen based on the below pointers:
- Will promote Nation building
- Advantages of implementing
- Challenges while implementing
- Possibility study
- Risk in implementation
So based on the above, I am recommending the following:
I hope you will accept my ideas and do the needful.
Yours faithfully,
D) Great britain was weakened by WW2
Answer: b - St. Peter and St. Paul
St. Peter and St. Paul were the first martyrs, who died at the hands of the Roman emperor Nero. They promoted Christianity in Rome and were killed because of it. In the following centuries, persecution of Christians continued and the most fierce fairies during the Diocletian.
The constant abuse of Christians characterized the earliest period of Christianity in Rome. Only under Emperor Constantine, did the persecution of Christians stop. With the Edict of Milan (Italy) in 313, the emperor allowed freedom of religion, so that Christianity would expand significantly in the coming period. In 387, Christianity became the state religion in ancient Rome.