♥ <span>Boot your Chromebook into recovery Mode
(Escape refresh and power keys all need to be help down)
It </span><span>will then reboot into recovery mode
♥ </span><span>Press Ctrl+D at the recovery screen
♥ </span><span>To turn the Verification off you will need to press the enter button.
♥ and then you have it :D
You can call a Python function like so: function(parameters).
Define function add:
def add(x,y):
return x+y
Call function:
add(3,7) -> 10
count_p = 0
count_n = 0
total = 0
while True:
number = int(input("Enter an integer, the input ends if it is 0: "))
if number == 0:
total += number
if number > 0:
count_p += 1
elif number < 0:
count_n += 1
print("The number of positives is: " + str(count_p))
print("The number of negatives is: " + str(count_n))
print("The total is: " + str(total))
print("The average is: " + str(total / (count_p + count_n)))
Initialize the variables, count_p represens the number of positives, count_n represents the number of negatives, and total represents the total of the numbers
Create a while loop iterates until the user enters 0. If the number is not 0, then add it to the total. If the number is greater than 0, increase count_p by 1. If the number is smaller than 0, increase count_n by 1.
When the loop is done, print the count_p, count_n, total, and average
ipconfig (short for <em>internet protocol configuration</em>) is a command line tool used for determining the network connection configuration of a computer. Some of these configuration information are;
i. the IP address of the computer
ii. default gateway address
iii. subnet mask
iv. Media Access Control (MAC) address.