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Answered below.
#Answer is written in Python programming language
#Get inputs
radius = float(input("Enter radius in inches: "))
height = float(input("Enter height in feet: "))
#Convert height in feet to height in inches
height_in_inches = height * 12
#calculate volume in cubic inches
volume = 3.14 * (radius**2) * height_to_inches
#convert volume in cubic inches to volume in gallons
volume_in_gallons = volume * 0.00433
#output result
print (volume_in_gallons)
The protocol data unit is the representative unit of data in the OSI layer of a network. The OSI system has seven layers.
The physical layer is the first layer of the system and the protocol data unit is represented as bits of data.
Note that the term packet is the PDU for data in the network layer of the OSI network system.
A select query
select column1, column2, columnN
from table
where condition
order to be pretty;
Try {
} catch (ProductionInProgressException e) {