The key difference between a library and a framework is “Inversion of Control”. When you call a method from a library, you are in control. But with a framework, the control is inverted:the framework calls you
A library performs specific, well-defined operations.
A framework is a skeleton where the application defines the "meat" of the operation by filling out the skeleton. The skeleton still has code to link up the parts but the most important work is done by the application.
Examples of libraries: Network protocols, compression, image manipulation, string utilities, regular expression evaluation, math. Operations are self-contained.
Examples of frameworks: Web application system, Plug-in manager, GUI system. The framework defines the concept but the application defines the fundamental functionality that end-users care about.
One principle that can improve the efficiency of I/O would be to move processing primitives into hardware. Primitives are a semantic value representing something else such as words or numbers within the programming language. By moving them into hardware they system is able to read them at a much faster speed making the I/O more efficient.
Client/Server and Peer-to-Peer networks are the two major network architecture models in use today. They each have advantages and disadvantages that can be used to benefit a particular outcome.
Briefly, the client/server model relates to one or many client performing relatively simple requests, which are then executed by a server. The server is performing more complex tasks, and often interacting with many clients simultaneously. Examples of client/server models include most websites, including the Brainly page you are running right this instant. Your web browser is acting as a client, and the website is running as a web server. It receives simple requests or information from your browser, such as clicking on a question or text typed by your keyboard, and then acts on this information by consulting a database, returning values, or returning a whole new web page to your browser. The client/server model is very powerful in business as it allows powerful and secure server-side processing and relatively simple clients. Office 365 that runs all microsoft office suites such as word and excel in a web browser on 'the cloud' is an example of a highly sophisticated client/server architecture.
By contrast, peer-to-peer networks are a distributed architecture of equals. Instead of a simple client and complex server, all clients are equals and link together to form nodes on a distributed network. There is no central control (server) and each node acts as a client and server to other nodes. This is also an extremely powerful network; as there is no central control it is difficult to shut down a peer-to-peer network. Taking out one node will not break the network in comparison to the client/server architecture where if the server goes down, services halt. Prime examples of famous peer-to-peer networks are the Bitcoin network and similar cryptographic currency networks, and music and file sharing networks such as Torrents. The torrent tracker websites are client/server however once a torrent is loaded into a torrent downloading application, the file is collectively downloaded from hundreds of 'peers' across the world as part of the torrent peer-to-peer network.