During the 1930's Britain and France were too scared to respond to the fascist aggression as they didn't;t want another war ads a. they didn't have enough money as the Great Depression had just hit, b. they didn't have a powerful military as they had destroyed half of there machines and only had a militia around the world to control there colonies franc was mostly the same but it did have a defensive line along the border of France and Germany called the Gustav line but as we know it didn't really work.
Delegates of the Second Continental Congress.Massachusetts added John Hancock; Virginia, Thomas Jefferson and Pennsylvania, James Wilson and Benjamin Franklin. Georgia, the only colony unrepresented in the First Congress, sent one delegate, Lyman Hall.
<span>The coup d'etat of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem that resulted in his assassination was accomplished by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and the </span>CIA.
Anser is CIA