Just do (41250-8956)/41250. It should be roughly 90%.
All cells have a cell membrane. its basically what protects the cells from getting toxins that are sometimes entering your body. without a membrane on all cells, you would get sick a lot!!
smooth muscle and cardiac muscle only.
because all of these muscles are involuntary meaning all of these muscles are not moveable by choice, you can not decide when to move these muscles. Foe example we can not control the heart muscles, the heart needs to pump involuntary, but the other muscles from the list we have control over. For example we can make a choice when it comes to moving some skeletal muscles, but not a choice when moving smooth muscle and cardiac muscle .
scientist can learn how the rat has evolved based on where they live. it also helps find what the common ancestor was and all the common traits they have, for example rats in Norway may be used to the cold. and the rats in africa need to adapt to the heat and the constant threat of them being eaten.
The answer would be the first one :)