You need to explain what you need help with?
The correct answer is C.
The comic tone of the play is solely given by the characters' calm reaction to the the huge fire that is surely to burn down the whole hotel.
If the characters were to react like normal people would -screaming and panicking- the play would lose its whole essense.
Directions: Your CAP File is a note-taking tool to use as you read your lesson pages in the course. These important notes will help you complete your lesson assessment, as well as prepare you for your Discussion-Based Assessment, unit exam, and segment exam. You do not need to submit your CAP File for grading. Instead you will read the directions on your “What Do I Have to Do?” page to learn what you will need to submit for grading.
Part 1
Answer the following questions:
What is the Bill of Rights? Why is it important?
How does the Supreme Court affect rights?
How does the Constitution provide both safeguards and limits to rights?
Part 2
Use the following chart to make notes from the lesson. One example appears for you:
Amendment Rights in This Amendment Real-Life Example from Lesson My Own Example
1 Freedoms of speech, press, assembly, petition, and religion Mary Beth and John Tinker with their peace armbands in school Writing a letter to a newspaper about a government decision or policy I do not agree with
Explain what the author wants you to learn from José's story. What is her perspective? Wha
"Which statement best summarizes this passage? Sugar changed the world" is:
Alexander the Great continued exploring even though his Greek
Have a good day!! :)
They won a lot of basketball games and the bucks made is to the playoffs