It is false that in plant by life cycle,eggs and sperm are produced mitosis.
Flowering plant go through a complicated double fertilization process that involves a lot of sperm.pollen grain is produced by process of meiosis in which sex cell divides its so that exactly half of the genetic code is in a cell.
Saguaro,desert marigold,golden barrel cactus
Genetic drift is simply a change in the frequency of alleles in a population.
Like shown in the comic A, there are different genes present on chromosomes. All of these genes are made up of a pair of alleles. These alleles determine the genotype and the resulting phenotype of an organism.
If none of the alleles is favored by the environment, then a population will have equal no.of all the variant forms of a trait. Like shown in the comic B, both the green and the grey animals are favored equally.
But if natural selection occurs and one form of the allele variant is favored, then a genetic drift will occur. Most of the organisms will have the alleles which are favored by the environment. Like shown in Comic C, where the grey alleles are favored more than the green alleles.