A wave of sound!
sound waves are sound but sound comes in different wavelengths
// program in C++.
// headres
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main()
// array
int temperatures[7];
// count variable
int count=0;
cout<<"Enter the temperature of all days:";
for(int a=0;a<7;a++)
// read temperature of 7 days
// find temperature is extreme or not
// count
// print count of extreme temperature
cout<<"number of days of extreme temperature:"<<count<<endl;
return 0;
Create an array of size 7 to store the temperature of all days of week.Read the temperature of each day.If the temperature is less than -10 or greater than 25 then increment the count.This will count the number of days of extreme temperature.Print the count.
Enter the temperature of all days:-20 12 18 30 32 -15 15
number of days of extreme temperature:4
Focus Stacking
F-stop stacking which is also referred to as image stacking is a powerful technique that improves the quality of an image by stacking images taken at different f-stops in order to improve corner sharpness and overcome blurriness. Once photographs are taken at different f-stops (focus stops), a final complete composite picture is created using only the sharpest portions of the photograph.
Slashes \//
How '"confounding' "\" it is!
The question above is testing your knowledge of the "\" escape sequence, This escape sequence is used to introduce special formatting to the output of the System.out.print function in Java.
It can be used to introduce a new line \n
It can also be used to introduce a tab indentation \t
As in the question above it is used to introduce double quotes "" in this case \"
Also as we see the question above it can still be used to place backlashes to an output in this case we use two backlashes \\. The first is the escape sequence, the second \ gets printed out.