Row array gameScores contains all player scores. Construct a row array highScores than contains all player scores greater than m
inScore. Hint: meetsThreshold is a logic array that indicates which elements in gameScores are greater than minScore. Ex: If gameScores is [2, 5, 7, 6, 1, 9, 1] and minScore is 5, then highScores should be [7, 6, 9].
function highScores = GetHighScores(gameScores, minScore)
% gameScores: Array contains all player scores
% minScore: Scores greater than minScore are added to highScores
meetsThreshold = (gameScores > minScore); % Logic array indicates which
% elements are greater than minScore
% Construct a row array highScores containing all player scores greater than minScore
The solution is written using Python as it has a simple syntax.
def getHighScores(gameScores, minScore):
meetsThreshold = []
for score in gameScores:
if(score > minScore):
return meetsThreshold
gameScores = [2, 5, 7, 6, 1, 9, 1]
minScore = 5
highScores = getHighScores(gameScores, minScore)
Line 1-8
Create a function and name it as <em>getHighScores</em> which accepts two values, <em>gameScores</em> and <em>minScore</em>. (Line 1)
Create an empty list/array and assign it to variable <em>meetsThreshold</em>. (Line 2)
Create a for loop to iterate through each of the score in the <em>gameScores</em> (Line 4)
Set a condition if the current score is bigger than the <em>minScore</em>, add the score into the <em>meetsThreshold</em> list (Line 5-6)
Return <em>meetsThreshold</em> list as the output
Line 11-12
create a random list of <em>gameScores</em> (Line 11)
Set the minimum score to 5 (Line 12)
Line 13-14
Call the function <em>getHighScores()</em> and pass the<em> gameScores</em> and <em>minScore </em>as the arguments. The codes within the function <em>getHighScores()</em> will run and return the <em>meetsThreshold </em>list and assign it to <em>highScores.</em> (Line 13)
Display <em>highScores</em> using built-in function print().
Explanation:Life360 let’s you track family by placing them in “family circles” and then allows you to track their location once they accept the invite to the circle, you May also place specific areas that it will alert them entering and exiting.