A vaccine works by stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies without actually infecting someone with that disease. They trigger the immune system to produce its own antibodies as though the body has been infected with the disease. But a vaccine will not make someone immune to a disease, it will simply help the body be able fight the infection better.
1. Evaporation is the escape of water molecules from their liquid phase to gas phase that go up into the atmosphere. Evaporation can occur anywhere where open liquid water is exposed to sunlight or any other source of energy. Transpiration, on the other hand, is the loss of water (by evaporation) from plants through the stomata. Evaporation and transpiration move water from the biosphere to the atmosphere.
2. Condensation is the return of water molecules from gaseous phase (vapor) back to liquid form. Precipitation, on the other hand, is the coming down of condensed water from the atmosphere to the earth (biosphere), which is a significant part of the water cycle.
3. Exchange pool is the pool from (or approximate amount) which water or other elements are shared (back and forth) between different spheres (such as biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) in a cycle. A reservoir on the other hand is analogous to a ‘container’ that holds large masses of water or other elements such as a lake and the atmosphere.
4. The answer is No. because, today’s waters, due to increased pollution from industrialization that spews a lot of pullutans into the atmphere, ae contamiated. The water that precipitates is tainted by gases such as sulphuric dioxide tha makes it acidic. The water also gets polluted by other pollutants in the atmpshre and biosphere and hence become a health risk to animals and humans that drink it.
Xylem carries water and minerals from the roots to the leaves. Whereas, phloem carries the food prepared by the leaves to different parts of the plant.
Macromolecules in human body
The macromolecules found in human body are:
1. Carbohydrate,
2. Proteins
3. Lipids, and
4. Nucleic acids.
Elements they common share
All these macromolecules have three elements in common which are:
1. Carbon
2. Hydrogen, and
3. Oxygen.
These elements constitute about 95% of human body.
Difference in Chemical properties
Carbohydrate is composed of glucose monomers, which may have aldehyde functional group or ketone functional group. Protein is composed of monomers called amino acids. Each amino acid has carboxylic functional group, amino group, alkyl or aryl group and hydrogen atom. Lipid is composed of fatty acids and glycerol. While nucleic acid is composed of monomer called nucleotide. Each nucleotide is composed of pentose sugar, phosphate group and nitrogenous group. Due to the presence of different functional groups all these macromolecules have chemical properties different from each one