1. You could do a necklace
2. The first thing I thought was one ruby in the middle and two sapphires right next to it (ruby is the red one, sapphire the blue one) because the rest of the necklace is gold
3. Just look up the 12 types of precious stones and write the 10 that are left
4. I’d say something like Cleopatra
depeneds on what their actions were during the time of the risky,dangerous, life-or-death situation.
The regimes made Haiti a more dangerous place and made traveling in and out of the country very difficult. This made it very hard to do his job and help people. The junta made it especially dangerous for him. At one point soldiers even stop his car and poin guns at his head until he says “Long live the Hatian army”. He got 10,000 dollars from John WHite to fund an underground pacifist resistance movement. His only protection is that his superior medical knowledge makes him too difficult to be killed. He ends up leaving Haiti and doesnt come back till Aristide is re-instated.