Grassland pasture and range uses
The Renaissance, simply means "rebirth" in French and it happened between 1300s-1600s.
Basically, it was typically a cultural movement that had European scientists, scholars, and artists who were inspired by Classical works (achievements or models) of the Greeks and Romans. These Europeans became aware of the classical model or achievements through ruins and Greco-Roman texts which were mainly preserved by Islamic scholars living in the Ottoman Empire.
Additionally, Italy is considered to be the birthplace of Renaissance.
Soldiers returning home from war in Italy spread Renaissance ideas. The war was mainly due to the invasion of Italy by the French.
Active Reading
What is Active Reading?
Active reading occurs when pupils actively participate in the reading of a material. Active reading is more than just reading text in black and white and then answering questions. When you, as the instructor, get your pupils interested in what they are reading, they are more likely to better comprehend the meaning inside the text.
Active reading methods that are effective are process-oriented, customized, purposeful, and adaptable. Active reading techniques should be chosen and used based on the type of content as well as the reader's learning style and reading goal. Active reading helps readers maintain concentration and engagement, improves comprehension and retention, and produces a visual record of the reading experience and key information in a book.
What are the method of active reading?
- <u>Handwrite notes</u> - Highlighting and underlining a text while reading allows readers to stay engaged with the content and absorb it on a deeper level. During the act of reading, readers record responses to the text and scribble thoughts and personal notes in the margins.
- <u>Recapping</u> - Before attempting to read, readers examine the reading material to become acquainted with the subject and arrangement. This makes reading simpler, quicker, and more successful as a learning tool.
- <u>Measuring Comprehension</u> - Readers identify once they do not grasp sections of a material and take the required procedures to restore sense. Monitoring involves asking questions to clarify if anything remains unclear, rereading if there is some confusion, seeking for solutions, and adjusting reading method to grasp content.
- <u>Scanning</u> - entails reviewing content fast in order to acquire a general understanding of the material without reading everything.
The governor serves a two-year term and can only be elected for two consecutive terms.
A governor is the head of a state and has the highest power with regard to the welfare and development of the state. This official post allows the governor to exercise the powers to govern the state, and oversee the execution of powers by the different branches of the government.
The limitations of electing a governor are that the term serviceable is that of two years and can only be reelected for another consecutive term. This takes the term as four years if consecutive. And then, a governor is not eligible to be elected not more than two consecutive terms. If he/she wants to be governor again, then he/she must take a break after the four years and then try for that post again.
Thus, the correct answer is the first option.