A web designer/developer is responsible for the design, layout and coding of a website. They are involved with the technical and graphical aspects of a website and how the site works and how it looks.
- A content writer/editor creates and revises the text that visitors read when the visit a website, choose a link, image, video, or other media that enhances your text content.
- A web artists/graphic designer's responsibility is to create original art, such as logos, stylized typefaces, and avatars, and props for virtual 3-d worlds.
- A web designer's role is to create webpages that combine, text, images, and links using tools such as markup languages; CCS, HTML, and WYSIWYG editors.
- Web programmer/database developer's job is to script languages such as, JavaScript, ASP, PHP, and MYSQL and must plan, create, secure, and maintain databases of varying complexity.
- Web Administrator assumes all roles, including creative, high-tech, and oversight. May oversee a web development team that includes technical and creative roles.
The statement in Python is:
print("The average pH of citrus fruits is ",avg_citrus_pH)
System.out.print("The average pH of citrus fruits is "+avg_citrus_pH);
cout<<"The average pH of citrus fruits is "<<avg_citrus_pH;
The programming language is not stated; so, I answered the question in 3 languages (Python, Java and C++)
Assume that avg_citrus_pH has been declared and initialized; all you need to do is invoke a print statement and then append the variable
In Python, use print()
In c++, use cout<<
In Java, use System.out.print()
So, the statements are:
print("The average pH of citrus fruits is ",avg_citrus_pH)
System.out.print("The average pH of citrus fruits is "+avg_citrus_pH);
cout<<"The average pH of citrus fruits is "<<avg_citrus_pH;
// Program is written in C++ Programming Language
// Comments are used for explanatory purpose
// Program starts here
using namespace std;
int main ()
// Declare Variable
int selection;
// Prompt user to make a selection of medium between air, water or steel.
cout<<"Make Selection"<<'\n'<<"Press 1 for Air"<<'\n'<<"Press 2 for Water"<<'\n'<<"Press 3 for Steel";
// Check for entry
if(selection == 1) {
cout<<"You selected Air"<<'\n';
cout<<"The distance travelled by sound wave in air is 1,125 feet in 1 second";
else if(selection == 2) {
cout<<"You selected Water"<<'\n';
cout<<"The distance travelled by sound wave in water is 4859 feet in 1 second";
else if(selection == 3) {
cout<<"You selected Steel"<<'\n';
cout<<"The distance travelled by sound wave in steel is 19554 feet in 1 second";
cout<<"Invalid Selection";
return 0;
cooperate society
A cooperative society is a voluntary association that started with the aim of the service of its members.