When people put their money in the bank to save it other people can borrow that money. As they pay it back you won't loose money and the bank will earn in interest. So as long as people are putting their money into the bank others will be able to borrow when tight on money. This is similar to herd immunity because as long as a greater number are doing it the minority that can't will be protected.
is this all to the question or is there a passage and some type of answer choices.
the best I can think of with just this is that it is their name or they are talking someone or something with the name of Ford. Sorry Im not too much help with this one.
wakes up
makes more sense when u say it that way
Hope this helps plz hit the crown :D
Noble gases do not want to lose electrons because they have a full outer shell, so their ionization energy will be very high. Their electron affinity is close to zero because they also do not want to attract electrons to their cell since they already have all 8 valence electrons.