I agree with the quote because music is the food for life. Music is life. If u are sad, you could put a music on and in minutes, you could be rejoicing. However, without the music, you would be sad all day. And without music, we could be bored.
Let me ask you a question. Is it better to be happy for a moment and be burned up with beauty than to live a long time and be bored all day long?
Dolly Parton scores the musical version of the movie based on Patricia Resnick’s story
If we stare at a pattern for a sufficient amount of time, our brains will cause the pattern to spontaneously reorganize itself.
Many psychologists believed that humans' pattern recognition abilities exist to aid us in our survival. This ability make us able to quickly identify possible danger/occurrences from several sign, which will help us to produce faster fight or flight response.
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