In 1947, President Harry S. Truman pledged that the United States would help any nation resist communism in order to prevent its spread. His policy of containment is known as the Truman Doctrine.
Cristobal colon
Es una fiesta anual que conmemora el día 12 de octubre de 1492, cuando el explorador italiano Cristobal Colon puso un pie oficialmente en America y reclamo la tierra para Espaa.
The main way in which the colonies developed identities independent of great Britain is that they soon were home to a slew of immigrants from around the world, who brought with them their own traditions.
The century from the conclusion of the Twelve Years’ Truce in 1609 until either the death of Prince William III in 1702 or the conclusion of the Peace of Utrecht in 1713 is known in Dutch history as the “Golden Age.” It was a unique era of political, economic, and cultural greatness during which the little nation on the North Sea ranked among the most powerful and influential in Europe and the world.