human beings are born with unalienable rights. "Unalienable" means non-transferable: people can't surrender these rights, even voluntarily. ... If a person owns clothes or books, he has a "right" to them.
Some 8,000 years ago people living around the Aegean Sea began to spread into southern Europe, bringing their farming skills into a continent that had only seen hunter-gatherers for tens of thousands of years, according to the paper
B - Most Australians work in urban areas
this is the only logical one
There were a number of factors involved.
This is a summarized version of my answer which for some reason was blocked.
Growth of nationalism throughout Asia and opposition to European colonialism and imperialism.
Development of an educated nationalist elite who could analyze the need for independence.
The impact of the Japanese defeat of European powers throughout Asia during WW2.
The first amendment is sometimes said to contain the bill of rights