The spines protect the cactus from predators eating it.
DRED SCOTT DECISION where the Supreme Court ruling stated slaves did not have a right to sue since they were not citizens, but merely property.
These were their arguments.
<span>Dred Scott:
When a person enters a free State or territory, the free status overrides the previous condition of servitude. Since slavery was forbidden in the free States and territories by
federal and State laws, Dred Scott became free when he entered Illinois and Wisconsin.</span><span>
To deprive a person of property (in this case, Dred Scott) without due process or just compensation violated the 5th Amendment, which states that “No person shall be… deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” Dred Scott was still a slave and no master's property rights could be limited or taken away by a State or federal law.</span>
Restrict voting--use of Literacy Tests and the Grandfather Clause
Labor contracts--keep former slaves in the fields to continue plantation labor
Maintain social hierarchy--punished those who paid blacks more for work as well as laws to control where blacks could live.
The Black Codes were a way to maintain social, political, and economic hierarchy with whites on top while moving from a slave system.
India and Persia and Greece and Turkey. These are the major countries.
Jim Crow laws gave Caucasian Americans a legal backbone to discriminating against African-Americans socially and politically. For example, public restrooms were segregated and usually, Blacks were given the poorer quality ones. or how they would also have to sit in the back of the bus or give up their seat.