Bacteria under successive rounds of selection may acquire genetic resistance to the treatment with mutagenic compounds including ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS).
Artificial selection is a process known to generate resistance of the organisms under treatment. For example, this type of selection has been reported to generate resistance to the treatment with different chemical compounds including mutagenic chemical compounds (in this case EMS), antibiotic drugs, etc.
Mitochondria: It is also called power house of the cell because it genetates or produces energy for the cell which is required for different functions. The glucose which is absorbed by the body is taken to the cell and from there the glucose is entered in the mitochondria. The mitochondria start break down of the glucose molecule and generates energy in the form of Adenine tri phosphate (ATP).
The skin will get infected
I would say that the burn type would probably be second degree burns which have pain, redness, swelling and blistering which are the symptoms thsoat this client has so knowing this, the nurse would treat it accordingly, perhaps with the application of ozonol for example.