b) blastic red blood cell (RBC).
In excess of 340 blood group antigens have now been described that vary between individuals. Thus, any unit of blood that is nonautologous represents a significant dose of alloantigen. Most blood group antigens are proteins, which differ by a single amino acid between donors and recipients. Approximately 1 out of every 70 individuals are transfused each year (in the United States alone), which leads to antibody responses to red blood cell <u>(RBC) alloantigens</u> in some transfusion recipients. When alloantibodies are formed, in many cases, RBCs expressing the antigen in question can no longer be safely transfused. However, despite chronic transfusion, only 3% to 10% of recipients (in general) mount an alloantibody response. In some disease states, rates of alloimmunization are much higher (eg, sickle cell disease). For patients who become alloimmunized to multiple antigens, ongoing transfusion therapy becomes increasingly difficult or, in some cases, impossible. While alloantibodies are the ultimate immune effector of humoral alloimmunization, the cellular underpinnings of the immune system that lead to ultimate alloantibody production are complex, including antigen consumption, antigen processing, antigen presentation, T-cell biology.
A. Different fields of medicine use the same abbreviations
to mean completely different terms.
Blood type A+ indicates the presence of Rh antigen on the red blood cells (specifically type A antigens with the presence of a protein called the Rhesus factor)
A) Take whatever action was necessary to combat the danger.
This response would be more likely in the case of an Orwellian culture, which the author states is like "a prison" and "much easier to recognize, and oppose than a Huxleyan [world]."
B) Listen carefully to the commentator and then explain the ideas to others.
The passage suggests the opposite response: "Huxley believed that we are in a race between education and disaster, and he wrote continuously about the necessity of our understanding the politics and epistemology of media, he was trying to tell us that what afflicted people in <em>Brave New World</em> was not that they were laughing instead of thinking."
C) charge that the commentator was irrational or needlessly alarming viewers.
The passage suggests that the commentator would invite this charge: "Those who speak about this matter must often raise their voices to a near hysterical pitch, inviting the charge that they are everything from wimps to public nuisances to Jeremiahs."
D) Be receptive to learning more about the danger.
The viewers would be unreceptive to learning about the danger, because, according to the author, this world would appear benign.
Answer: B
In modern times the word “Elixir” refers to a medicinal concoction or a sweetened liquid usually containing some form of alcohol that is used in medication as a flavoring or for its medicinal compounds. ... A basic elixir is similar to a tincture but with the addition of a sweetener, in herbal medicine most often honey.