13. Hypo is the prefix, means below
14. -pathy means disease
15. -ology means study of
16. Peri - around
cardium - concerning the heart
17. Hypertension
18. can't see the entire question
19. correct
20. correct
21. correct
22. correct
23. Most commonly used: O (can be any of the others, a, e, I, u).
24. Pulmonology means study of the respiratory system
25. Prognosis is the likely outcome of a disease/condition
26. Intravenous means inside the veins
27. Ileum is part of the small intestine between the jejunum and colon
28. Macrocyte means large cell.
Corrected some of your mistakes. Hope you don't mind.
If you refer to something as a security blanket, you mean that it provides someone with a feeling of safety and comfort when they are in a situation that worries them or makes them feel nervous.
The Living Will
Explanation: Living Will is a document giving directives to the care givers and physicians on how and when to withdraw medical supports to patients with terminally illness or withhold artificial supports.
It can only be used if the person will not be able to give the instructions himself,without this document the doctor is legally and ethical bound to keep the terminally patient alive till the Document is fully signed.The living will help the terminally ill person and his or her relatives to know about what is to be administered on the person.
The Diathesis-Stress Model explains that psychological disorders derive from the combination of a predisposition to vulnerability or diathesis, as an innate factor, together with experiences of stress as an acquired factor. Therefore, innate factors and acquired factors are needed to develop certain disorder.
From the perspective of the diathesis-stress model, a disorder is the result of the interaction between a genetic predisposition or vulnerability (diathesis), with external factors or personal experiences (stress). This model is used to explain the development of mental disorders with a clear genetic basis, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc. The appearance of the disorder will depend on the combination of both factors. The more genetic predisposition you are, the more likely you are to develop these low-stress diseases. And on the contrary, a low predisposition protects us from suffering a mental disorder, even if different stressors occur in our life.
Many of the symptoms that make a person suffer during an infection—fever, malaise, headache, rash—result from the activities of the immune system trying to eliminate the infection from the body. In response to infection, your immune system springs into action.