• how long it has been occurring
• if it gets worse at a particular point in the day
•Do you get chest pain, palpitations or ankle swelling?
•Does it come on or get worse when you lie flat?
•Does anything bring it on? For example, pollen, pets or medication?
•Do you smoke?
•Do you also have a cough, or bring up phlegm?
•How active are you usually?
•What’s your job or occupation?
•Is your breathlessness related to certain times at work?
•Do you have a history of heart, lung or thyroid disease or of anaemia?
•Have you made any changes in your life because of your shortness of breath?
•Do you feel worried or frightened, depressed or hopeless?
•What have you done to help you cope with the way you’re feeling?
•Does it come and go or is it there all the time?
•Is there any pattern to your breathlessness?
The answer is C: Notify the health care provides (HCP).
Fat embolism originates when fat thrombi travels through the bloodstream, causing obstruction in different vital organs of the body, such as heart, lung, brain; Depending on the symptoms presented by the patient, and the severity of their condition, this will be the immediate management of this. You may need intravenous fluids and oxygen. Being therefore a priority, inform the treating physician of the patient's condition, so that he can take the appropriate medical behavior since depending on the place where the obstruction produced by the thrombus is located, this is going to be the medical management.
Vitamin A nutritional has the greatest within-person variation and thus requires the most recorded days of intake. It is a micronutrient.
<h3>Micronutrients and vitamin A</h3>
Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals are nutrients obtained from the diet in small amounts.
Vitamin A (retinol) is a fat-soluble micronutrient whose daily intake is variable in different individuals.
Vitamin A is a micronutrient that helps the body's natural defense against pathogenic microorganisms (e.g., bacteria).
Learn more about vitamin A here:
Nolur acil lütfen yalvarırım sana da hayırlı
Maybe active ingredients for allergies and stuff super random guess Imma be that person AMD say I'm not 100% just a guess using logic