Answer:On the morning of November 11, 1620, when the Mayflower dropped its anchor off the coast of Cape Cod, the group of English Separatists later known as the Pilgrims fell to their knees and blessed God for bringing them safely across the “vast and furious ocean” to a new life in the New World. Before they could begin this new life, however, they had to solve some very practical problems. Their solution was to draft an agreement, later known as the Mayflower Compact, that became a first in consensual government and ensured everyone in the new colony would abide by the same laws.
Explanation:hope this helped
Legal education is the education of individuals in the principles, practices, and theory of law. ... Advanced academic degrees in law, such as masters and doctoral degrees. Practice or training courses, which prospective lawyers are required to pass in some countries before they may enter practice.
Conditiile favorabile invatarii sunt:
-o camera luminata
-sa fi odihnit
-sa citesti cu atentie lectia\lectiile ce trebuiesc invatate
-loc spatios
-sa nu fi stresat
-sa fi concentrat
-aerul sa fie destul de curat
Sa ai o zi buna!!~~~ :)
Answer: Accommodation and convergence
Explanation: accommodation and convergence is a depth cue associated with reflex action of the eye, that is, the involuntary movement of the eye in response to a particular stimulus. Accommodation convergence explains the behavior of the eye that is, changes in shape of the lens and size of pupil with respect to the distance of objects from the eye.
As objects get closer to the eye, the eyes move inward and feels like eye muscles are working. When the objects recedes the muscles become relaxed.