The answer is A. It caused fear in the south of another revolt of the same type and caused an increase in the laws/ codes to maintain strict control and to prevent another uprising in the future.
The incident put fear in the heart of Southerners, ended the organized emancipation movement in that region, resulted in even harsher laws against slaves, and deepened the schism between slave-holders and free-soldiers
Confucio desarrolló una filosofía política que reflejaba su horror ante la guerra constante que lo rodeaba.
Deambuló de reino en reino, tratando de persuadir a los gobernantes para que siguieran sus enseñanzas, pero nunca logró nada más que un puesto público de bajo escalafón.
Sin embargo, sí consiguió un grupo devoto de seguidores, que transmitió sus enseñanzas a las generaciones posteriores.
The great ancient civilizations flourished around river valleys because the rivers produce rich fertile soil and a supply of water for irrigation of crops and human consumption. This allows for the agricultural production to be greater and it can sustain more people.