1. Suffrage: the right to vote
2. Capitulate: to surrender or give up.
3. Atrocities: shocking or cruel acts, especially an act of wanton violence against an enemy in wartime
4. Inundated: to overwhelm or engulf, as a flood.
In the previous exercise, you must match the vocabulary words with their meaning.
Success in your homework!
restores economic security for the middle class
This unit presents a history of scientific thought relating to the origin of life as explained mainly by early Greek scientific philosophers. The unit begins with Greek science during the eighth century B.C. and proceeds quickly into the seventh century B.C., concluding with the fourth century B.C. Since the scope is limited to this time period the unit will end with information that is presently, for the most part, outdated. The teacher must constantly remind the students of this fact. The purpose of this unit is not to impart scientific knowledge for its own sake. Rather, it is to show how scientific thinkers came to their conclusions based upon how science was viewed in the scheme of history.
There are various high school courses taught, yet no specific course has been designed to relate the development of the academic disciplines to each other. Many science textbooks include the names of scientists who contributed valuable information upon which specific ideas were developed. Yet, most textbooks provide a minimum amount of information relating to the scientists themselves. It is my feeling that students will better understand the development of scientific thought if an opportunity can be provided in which a connection can be made between science and history.
There are four general objectives for this unit. Upon completing the unit students will: 1. be familiar with the ideas of early scientific minds, 2. recognize the relationship between Greek science and Greek history, 3. realize the importance of observation and drawing conclusions, and 4. appreciate the development of science.
Approximately one month before beginning this unit the teacher should require each student to read one book which in someway deals with the Greek period covered in this unit. Selections may be made from an historical or scientific aspect. Before the unit is begun students should have completed a book report and be required to present a short oral report. This will insure that all students have some common frame of reference from which to work. Lesson one at the end of the unit should be started the first day the unit is taught.
An excellent laboratory activity which should be done early in the unit is the biogenesis of microorganisms, i.e. producing microorganisms from hay infusions. This will arouse student interest and help them to understand how incorrect conclusions were drawn. Later, a laboratory activity based upon the experiments of Spallanzani, Pasteur, or Redi should be performed to show how spontaneous generation was disproved. For the advanced students, the development of fertilized chicken eggs could be done in the classroom throughout the unit. All of these activities are readily available in most laboratory manuals. A very complete guide to egg incubation is provided in the 4-H Manual listed in the teachers bibliography.
In Hellenic (Greek) antiquity cosmogonic ideas originated in the eighth and seventh centuries B.C. These were religious and legendary descriptions of the origin of the world. There was a belief in the cosmic egg from which all things were said to have been produced at the beginning of the world. Most of these ideas began to establish themselves at the end of the seventh century.
At the Battle of Bunker Hill, the colonists used the physical geography of the area to their advantage by firing on the British from a relatively safe position on the "high ground" of the battlefield.
Religion, manifested in personal belief and in organized denominations, is a large part of American life. The responses of major religious denominations and of religiously identified individuals to AIDS have been an important feature of the epidemic. Many religious groups have interpreted the AIDS epidemic in the light of their beliefs and teachings. Those interpretations have often led to public pronouncements on AIDS education, prevention, and care, as well as to the shaping of public attitudes toward those afflicted by or at risk of HIV infection. In addition, individuals who identify themselves with particular religious denominations or express particular religious viewpoints have taken positions about AIDS in light of their beliefs. Their positions have often been within the realm of private attitudes, but sometimes they have been manifested in public comments and actions. Given the broad influence of religion in the United States, the response of religious organizations and individuals is a factor in the effort to control the epidemic and to care for those affected by it.