Correct answer is mud bricks
Mud bricks is the correct answer because Mesopotamian civilization managed to develop great system of protection, that included creation of dams, canals, terraces... Therefore they used the mud bricks because it was easiest to create natural barriers from them.
The Soviet Union (Russia)
This was because because both the United States and Russia were throwing threat of a nuclear warfare, with no actual actions of the threats were done.
They felt that
the nation needed to find new sources of overseas markets to maintain the
strength of their economy. Due to a cycle of over-production and under-consumption
led to a large surplus that affected their economy so they eyed potential
markets overseas where they can sell their products and find more business opportunities.
Any successful trivia game must be aware of both its audiences’ and players’ range of knowledge – as soon as any topic becomes too obscure, recondite most quickly lose interest.
It's ambiguous and difficult to see if something is dark. Be careful when driving in heavy rain — the coloured lines may be black. Obscure derives from the dark Latin which might mean ' dark, low, ' ' unclear, difficult to comprehend, ' or ' insignificant, modest.
An example of recondite is , His Compilation for Sphere Astronomy (1906) is a further revisited work. Like all casuists, he assumed that morality was a new science, further than the reach of everyone except the learned.
Statistical deviation
Deviation from social norms