The second conflict is that Jacob must decide whether he should stay with Miss Peregrine and his new friends in the loop hole, or stay in the present-day with his family. He knows that if he stays with his family he will live in fear for the rest of his life. He also knows that he may end up like his grandfather if he continues in the real world. However, he also knows that he would miss his family if he went to live with Miss Peregrine. But, he can not bear to think about life without Emma. Jacob must make a decision that will have a huge impact on his life. This conflict is man v. self.
it is simple not compond...
The best organizational pattern for a personal narrative is the chronological order.
Chronological patterns are used to describe events within a specific time in a sequential order. A personal narrative, therefore, allows the author to tell a story and its events in a chronological order, including a beginning, middle and end within a timeline.
Eliezer is more than just a traditional protagonist; his direct experience is the entire substance of Night. He tells his story in a highly subjective, first-person, autobiographical voice, and, as a result, we get an intimate, personal account of the Holocaust through direct descriptive language