Invading Cuba in 1898, the US did so to defend its interests and exact revenge on Cuba for the destruction of the USS Maine, which had blown up in Havana Harbor.
The fight for independence in Cuba was closely observed by the US. There were numerous American residents living in Cuba, and the United States had invested millions of dollars in businesses there. Likewise, the US and Cuba engaged in commerce. Long before 1898, the United States started to be interested in buying Cuba. After the Ten Years War, American sugar companies acquired substantial amounts of land in Cuba.
Learn more about Spanish-American War in 1898 here:
no.1The fight against apartheid marks a landmark in human rights and freedom.
no.2The credit goes to the people of South Africa, but the United Nations played its role, a role that we should be proud of.
no.3So, it is more than appropriate that our Headquarters should be honoured by this statue I.
no.4Thank the Government of South Africa for its generosity in donating it.
no.5From this day on, all delegates, staff and visitors to the United Nations can be a wonderful statues.
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