In a summary, don't retell every detail, just the important parts.
The guards character in the play "Antigone" by Sophocles are indifferent, They are eternally indifferent and ready to serve.
The guards follow orders and are indifferent as well as innocent. Which means they can serve any power that be and have no particular loyalty to Creaon.
The guards are like men left untouched by the tragedy that unfolds in front of them. each of the guards are indistinguishable from the cohorts.They are three guards can be called the 'indifferent trio'.
When the chorus notes that the tragedy is "no skin of their backs", the indifferent trio remembers the guardsmen from Anouilh's other tragedies like the guards whose chatter about the harvest close his medea. The chorus made this clear in the prologue and epilogue.
Answer: Definition of Rising Action. Rising action in a plot is a series of relevant incidents that create suspense, interest, and tension in a narrative.
Example: Movie Lion King: Development of the conflict between Scar and Simba.
This statement means that leadership is all about putting an idea into materiality and using the effect you gain to obtain support from others.
I strongly believe that time spent learning a trade for career development is as valuable as the time invested in a college degree.
I think that the most important thing is the time invested in your dreams, it doesn't matter if it is a college degree or a trade, nor if one takes longer than the other or if one of them will get you more money. Time spent in something you don't like to do, eventually, will be a waste because you will not be happy doing that job and will probably quit sooner or later.
Whether you pick one thing or the other, you must really love it, you have to be passionate about it and, if you do this, it'll be never a waste of time.