Trying to rekindle a relationship or friendship with a person or family member
<span>Elections are the centerpiece of democracy. Through voting, people can voice their opinions, express their hopes and aspirations, discipline their leaders, and ultimately control their nation's destiny. According to democratic theory, elections are the public's source of power, but in order to use its muscle effectively it has to know where candidates and parties stand on public policy issues. Besides the people themselves, two groups have major responsibilities in this regard.</span>
Price level rose on average by 63 percent in second plan, 5.8% in third plan, 9% in fourth plan, 6.3% in fifth plan, 3.6 percent in Ninth plan and 4% in 2004-05. Furthermore, the plan witnessed only increase in inequality. Rich Class becomes richer and poor class poorer. This inequality is found not only in industrial sector but in agriculture sector also. According to one estimate, 3 percent of household own roughly 50 percent of cultivable land. Hope this helps and if your feeling generous, leave a rate, thanks, and brainliest. ;)