Executive Order 9066 is an executive order issued by Franklin Delano Roosevelt following the aftermath of the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 7, 1941, and was pointed at citizens and residents of the US in the west coast who had Japanese ancestry. The President issues, and justifies issuing this Order, by stating that there may be Japanese spies that live in the US who may, not only feed information to the Japanese on US's movements & how the US public reacts, but also sabotage the war effort. Since the hazard is great, the US decided that it would be better to have all of them interned at isolated camps then to try to find spies loyal to Japan individually. However, technically the internment is wrong, and some people of today even compare it to the Nazi's concentration camps (however, I believe there are wide differences between the two). In the end, the Order was put out for fear of destruction not only from the outside, but from within also.
Sugar Cane and Exotic foods
The Sugar cane market that produced sugar was extremely valuable to Europeans. They even nicknamed the substance, "white gold." Eventually, slave plantations would be made to produce mass amounts of sugar for Europeans. Foods like Potatoes and Corn had also been introduced to Europeans during the discovery of the New World. This had been demanded more during the Columbian Exchange and eventually lost market when Europeans started to grow their own food originated from the Americas.
In case you need another: Spices were demanded in Europe that came from mainly Central America.
One of the many, many problems Jeb Bush faces in his quest for the Oval Office is his break from Republican orthodoxy on president Ronald Reagan's legacy. In 2012, Bush told a group of reporters that, in today's GOP, Reagan "would be criticized for doing the things that he did"— namely, working with Democrats to pass legislation. He added that Reagan would struggle to secure the GOP nomination today.
Bush was lambasted by fellow conservatives for his comments, but he had a point: If you judge him by the uncompromising small government standards of today's GOP, Reagan was a disaster. Here are a few charts that show why.
Under Reagan, the national debt almost tripled, from $907 billion in 1980 to $2.6 trillion in 1988:
Reagan ended his 1988 farewell speech<span> with the memorable line, "man is not free unless government is limited." The line is still a rallying cry for the right wing, but the speech came at the end of a long period of government expansion. Under Reagan, the federal workforce increased by about 324,000 to almost 5.3 million people. (The new hires weren't just soldiers to fight the communists, either: uniformed military personnel only accounted for 26 percent of the increase.) In 2012, the federal government employed almost a million fewer people than it did in the last year of Reagan's presidency.</span>