Answer: Operate over existing telephone lines to carry voice, data, and video.
Digital subscriber line is a means of transferring high bandwidth data over a telephone line. Such data could be a voice call, graphics or video conferencing. DSL uses a user's existing land lines in a subscriber's home, allowing users to talk on a telephone line while also being connected to the Internet. In most cases, the DSL speed is a function of the distance between a user and a central station. The closer the station, the better its connectivity.
* Main Electron a component- vacuum tube.
* Main memory- Magnetic drums and magnetic tapes.
* Programming language- Machine language.
* Power- Consume a lot of electricity and generate a lot of heat.
* were expensive to operate
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E-mail B is the more appropriate workplace e-mail because it’s straightforward, polite, and professional. E-mail A was more accusatory and aggressive, and many people don’t like when they’re being yelled at or accused of something and, as a result, this person may start to dislike that coworker. However, the second e-mail was more polite and made the receiver think of them as a respectful person so that they’re happy to help them out.
The answer is Bootsrap
A bootstrap program which is also referred to as a bootstrap loader is a program that resides in the computer’s Read Only Memory. It starts the whole chain reaction and ends up with the entire OS being loaded. This program reads the computer’s hard drive boot sector and continues with the process of loading the Operating System. It first performs a POST test and then proceeds to load the OS intothe main memory.