A closed port that can not receive request from authorized users.
Networks comprises of end devices, routing and switching devices, servers, technical control devices etc. The communication and interconnection of these devices makes up a secure and resourceful network.
Attackers can exploit loopholes in networks to steal information. The attackers uses the SYN scanning or cracking technique to implement the DOS or denial of service attack.
DOS is used to flood ports on a server in a network, preventing authorized user access, as they steal information to avoid detection.
Joe should read the explanatory text and complete the learning activities.
See attachment for options
Best strategy to get through the module
First off, rushing through the activities and taking guess for each question (as suggested by (a)) will not help him;
He may complete the activities but sure, he won't learn from the module.
Also, reading through the units without completing the activities is not an appropriate method because Joe will not be able to test his knowledge at the end of the module.
The best strategy to employ is to read through the units and complete the activities, afterwards (option (b)).
if ..else is the conditional statement which is used to check the condition is true or not, if the condition is true that execute the particular statement and if not it moves to else part for execution.
if condition is more than two we can use continuous if else statement
}else if(condition)
In the code:
The value of the input is 5.
first it goes to if part and check condition if 5 > 5, condition false it equal to 5 not greater than 5.
it then moves to else if part and check condition if 5 > 2, condition is true,
it execute the code inside the else if part. so, input_value become
5+10 which 15.
after that, program control terminate the if else statement it does not check further.
Option (b) is the correct and suitable answer for the above question.
The printer is a hardware which is used to convert the soft copy of an information to a printed copy (Hard copy) of information.
To use printer hardware a computer system needs a printer driver which is used to do the conversion from soft copy to a hard copy. Hardware printer uses only for the purpose to print the copy.
The option b says that the printer driver is used to convert the document into the form of that document which the printer can understand easily. It means conversion from soft copy to hard copy. Hence it is the right option.
The reason behind the other option which is not valid because--
Option a says that the printer driver is a code but it is a software.
Option c says that the printer driver is an interface but it is a software.
Option d says that the printer driver is a cache but it is a software.
Odd question but okay....
Earth's surface, also known as "Land", has very many biotic(animals) and abiotic factors (plants). There are also a wide variety of land features such as mountain, plains, Hills, etc..
Within these features are small - Large ecosystems we're plants and animals thrive to create a bigger and stronger wildlife.
"Land" is a very simple word that stands for all of the different plants, mammals, ecosystems, aquatic animals and many more ways of life on Land.
I hope this helps...