This means that he feels very drugged as if he had just taken an opioid or something. He hears a nightingale singing saying that the bird is spreading its happiness too much. He is also saying that he too is happy because he can hear the nightingale sing somewhere amidst the forest.
This Movement is an act of trying to stop sexual assault with a large variety of
local and international related names. The phrase "Me Too" was initially used in this circumstance on social media in 2006, on Myspace, (and old social media platform), by sexual harassment survivor and activist Tarana Burke. They're trying to stop this from happening to all backgrounds and races.
The first picture I believe is Idiom.
Idiom is literally something that is described that makes no sense, like bad blood.
Responsiveness to environment
Growth and change
Ability to reproduce
Have a metabolism and breathe
Maintain homeostasis
Being made of cells
Passing traits to offspring