You can either convert -3 into a fraction, or convert -2/5 into a decimal so you can solve this.
If you decide to convert -3, into a fraction, it would be -3/1, and you'd have to multiply that by the reciprocal of -2/5.
So, you'd have -3/1(-5/2)=15/2, which can be simplified to 7 1/2.
If you decide to convert -2/5 into a decimal, you would get -0.4. You would then divide -3 by -0.4, which is equal to 7.5.
Both 7.5 and 7 1/2 are correct answers, and if you were to convert 7.5 into a fraction and 7 1/2 into a decimal, you would notice that they are the same number, but in different forms.
n, they will drive from Fort Worth to San Antonio, a distance of 229 miles, to visit his grandparents. On the way back, Mike reverses his trip and travels from San Antonio to Dallas through Forth Worth. Write one equation to show the distance traveled from Dallas to San Antonio, and a second equation to show the distance traveled from San Antonio to Dallas. What do you notice about the distance traveled each w
Step-by-step explanation:
n, they will drive from Fort Worth to San Antonio, a distance of 229 miles, to visit his grandparents. On the way back, Mike reverses his trip and travels from San Antonio to Dallas through Forth Worth. Write one equation to show the distance traveled from Dallas to San Antonio, and a second equation to show the distance traveled from San Antonio to Dallas. What do you notice about the distance traveled each w
Carryonlearning <3
The number of subsets of a set is 256, and the number of subsets of a set is 128. If | ∪ | = 2 × | ∩ |, then what is the value of | ∩ |? and what will be the number of subsets of the set ∩ ?
split the 3 5's in ratio 2:1 and you get 10:5
4136/8= 517
The others