As she was driving home from work, she witnessed terrible road accident.
She saw (witnessed) the terrible road accident as she was driving home from work.
Was driving=> Past continuous
We use past continuous because the word as indicates that the incident is in past continuous.
Witnessed=> Since it's a past event we use past tense.
Hope this helps ;) ❤❤❤
Answer:2, 4, 1, 3
The reason you want to go in this order is because cause and effect. He would not save money for a game before he knew of the game.
The artist might be trying to convey that the subject of the song has been in love with the singer for a while now but the subject is too shy to admit it. Hope this helps! :)
Xander offered to hide cassia's artefact
Answer: An "ode" is the type of poem that is enthusiastically emotional.
An ode is a formal poem that consists of several elements. These poems are normally about a certain person, place, or idea. Some may be about certain things such as an object. They almost always have enthusiastic emotion in them. There are four types of ode poems such as;
- Pindaric
- Greece
- Horatian
- Irregular
Some of the poems may have a set pattern but others do not. Each poem is unique.