The answer is D, or 6-8 inches
Pluralist state-The pluralist theory of the state has a very clear liberal lineage. It stems
from the belief that the state acts as an ‘umpire’ or ‘referee’ in society.
Capitalist State-The Marxist notion of a capitalist state offers a clear alternative to the
pluralist image of the state as a neutral arbiter or umpire.
Leviathan State-The image of the state as a ‘leviathan’ (in effect, a self-serving monster
intent on expansion and aggrandizement) is one associated in modern
politics with the New Right.
Patriarchal State-Modern thinking about the state must, finally, take account of the
implications of feminist theory.
A bicameral legislature provided the perfect opportunity for compromise, in fact, for "The Great Compromise." Small states got their equal representation in the Senate, large states got their proportional representation in the House, and everyone went home happy
His body was found between the border of Austria and Italy.
Mount Everest, Mahalangur section of the Himalayas.
The mountains summit straddles the border separating China and Nepal