Answer: This is an opinion question so I will give you the facts so you can form your own opinion for this answer.
<u>PRO GMO:</u>
Manufacturers use genetic modification to give foods desirable traits. For example, they have designed two new varieties of apple that turn less brown when cut or bruised.
The reasoning usually involves making crops more resistant to diseases as they grow. Manufacturers also engineer produce to be more nutritious or tolerant of herbicides.
Crop protection is the main rationale behind this type of genetic modification. Plants that are more resistant to diseases spread by insects or viruses result in higher yields for farmers and a more attractive product.
Genetically modification can also increase nutritional value or enhance flavor.
All of these factors contribute to lower costs for the consumer. They can also ensure that more people have access to quality food.
<u>CONS of GMO</u>
Because genetically engineering foods is a relatively new practice, little is known about the long-term effects and safety.
There are many purported downsides, but the evidence varies, and the main health issues associated with GMO foods are hotly debated. Research is ongoing.
Some of the cons include: Allergies, Cancer, antibacterial resistance, and outcrossing which refers to the risk of genes from certain GMO plants mixing with those of conventional crops.
D. heterotrophic by ingestion, pseudopods
Protists are generally classified as all eukaryotic organisms that are not plants, animals or fungi. Example is amoeba, paramecium etc.They may be unicellular or multi cellular in nature.Most exist in colonies.
Their mode of nutrition can be photosynthetic or hetrotrophic. Hetrotrophic protists can be divided into phagotrophs and osmotrops/saprotrophs. The phagotrophs makes use of the cell body to engulf the food materials as in amoeba ,carry out extracellular digestion before swallowing it.
Osmotrops absorbed dissolved food from surrounding liquid environments directly. (Some photosynthetic protists can also be heterotrophic.
Amoeboid movement is the mode of locomotion of protists and some other eukaryotes. It involved the protrusion of cytoplasm, which exert pressure on the cell membrane to form pseudopodia and the posterioly evolved <u>Uropods. </u>
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<u>Sol-gel theory has been proposed to expalin this movements, The ectopalsm of amoeba is gelly-like , while the endiplams is less viscpus and said to be sol. The interchange of the cytoplasmic fluis between the endo-and ecto plasm gives the SOL-GEL propulsion of the protopalms for the amoebic moveemnts .</u>
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<u>The false feet(psuedopodium) drags the amoeba along in the direction of the flow of the cytoplasm.</u>
Therefore option D is the right option
Maybe it’s because in order the get the same apple you breed more of that apple? It would take less time than natural selection since the genes of that certain apple may not appear for a few generations. If this makes any sense let me know because I’m just as confused as you are.
Energy is usually liberated from the ATP molecule to do work in the cell by a reaction that removes one of the phosphate-oxygen groups, leaving adenosine diphosphate (ADT). When the ATP converts to ADP, the ATP is said to be spent.
Limit the number of nets that can be used per area or day
Limit the number of fish that can be caught per day
one out of these two could be the answer but I have a strong feeling the limiting the number of nets that can be used per area or day