Several meanings could be agvined to this. On face value, Dr. King is saying that the men who lynched Emmett Till were morally bankrupt but hid behind Christianity and rationalized their actions for murdering Emmett for allegedly flirting with a married white woman.
The Great Leap Forward
Mao Zedong was the chairman of Communist Party of china (CPC) since its establishment in 1949 until 1976.
It was five year plan 1958-62 to industrialise china in the shortest amount of time and was aimed at producing mass amount of steel and grain. It was started in 1958 by Mao Zedong but the plan failed to industrialise the Chinese economy and thousand of Chinese were killed.
Commune was at the centre of the plan, a commune was combination of smaller farm collectives and had 4000-5000 households.
The blue area
<span>What happened during the Industrial Revolution?The introduction of new technology in manufacture (initially thetextile industries) hugely raised productivity per worker andgenerated ever-increasing returns for investment in ongoing capitalinvestment. Advances in transport facilitated distribution of bothmanufactured goods and foodstuffs for growing urban populations.Living standards improved as average per capita income tripled inthe more developed regions in the century to 1914 and improvednutrition, health and medicine doubled world population. Gains inliteracy and education combined with technological innovation tocreate the first mass media.</span>
<span>They practice acceptance and tolerance of all people. </span>
Was a while but one similarity was that in both books a sin was committed. Adultery. Both are probably around the same time period.