The answer is a reformatory.
Reformatory schools were a popular instituion around the 19th century, which served as a detention center for the young. The main focus was to correct a criminal's behaviour instead of reccuring to punishment.
Some of the techniques used in reformatories include vocational orientation and field trips.
The Spanish established permanent settlements in North America. The first settlement was a Spanish fort called St. Augustine in Florida. It was established in 1565. Its primary function was that of a base camp for explorers who explored the continent. It was also used as a centre to convert the local Native Americans to Roman Catholicism. There were a few settlements established in outlying areas. These did not last. They were either attacked and destroyed by the Native Americans, or they had to close because they could not support themselves economically.
Yes, this makes Mexican workers more cost-effective than U.S. workers, keeping other things constant.
Minimum wage is the amount of money that an employee will get from his employer for working for an hour. This adds up to the total cost of the goods produced by the workers.
If the minimum wage of the workers in Mexico is less than the minimum wage received by the workers in the United States, it means that they are more cost effective and will lead to the production of the goods at a cheaper rate, keeping other things constant in the production process.
During a war, some governments change their economic system from a market economy to a command economy. This is done out of necessity as resources may become scarce.