public class SwitchCase {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int num = 0;
int a = 10, b = 20, c = 20, d = 30, x = 40;
switch (num){
case 102: a += 1;
case 103: a += 1;
case 104: a += 1;
case 105: a += 1;
case 208: b += 1; x = 8;
case 209: c = c * 3;
case 210: c = c * 3;
default: d += 1004;
- Given above is the equivalent code using Switch case in Java
- The switch case test multiple levels of conditions and can easily replace the uses of several if....elseif.....else statements.
- When using a switch, each condition is treated as a separate case followed by a full colon and the the statement to execute if the case is true.
- The default statement handles the final else when all the other coditions are false
int counter = 0;
String userInput = "";
while (userInput != "stop") {
print "What pet do you have? ";
userInput = readInputLine();
if (userInput != "stop" ){
counter = counter + 1;
print "\nYou have one ";
print userInput;
print ". Total # of Pets: ";
print counter;
not sure what programming language you use, therefore the answer is pseudocode but it should give you an idea how to implement a piece of code for this problem.
Also, from the way you described the exercise I'm not sure if you always are supposed to reply with "you have one" + the pet or if you should count how often the same pet was entered.
border: 5px solid lightgreen;
The shorthand version of the border property in CSS goes as follows:
border: <line-width> <line-style> <color>;
With <line-width> represents the thicknes of the border line (expressed in keyword values or lenght values), <line-style> represents the style of the border, and <color> represents the color of the border (in color names or values).
Vulnerable business processes, also called business process compromise (BPC), occurs when an attacker manipulates commonplace actions that are routinely performed.
see explaination
//selective dev elements by id name
var gradeA = document.querySelector("#GradeA");
var passing = document.querySelector("#Passing");
var learning = document.querySelector("#Learning");
//function showGrades
function showGrades() {
var arr = [];
//converting string to int and inserting into array
arr[0] = parseInt(gradeA.textContent);
arr[1] = parseInt(passing.textContent);
arr[2] = parseInt(learning.textContent);
//creating json blob
var blob = new Blob(new Array(arr), {type:"text/json"});
return blob;