Leonardo da Vinci painted it
Visual Arts and Architecture.
This is how they expressed emotions through art.
-It decreased unemployment significantly.
Have A Great Day!
The mechanical reaper
He invented the mechanical reaper to do the harvest in fields.
His invention seems rudimentary today compared to the huge machines currently own by large farming companies, but that started it call and allowed to ease the burden of the harvest.
It also provided an alternative to slaves harvesting the fields in many situations.
Answer: Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs across nations.
Corporations in developed nations can gain a competitive edge through globalization.
Developing countries also benefit through globalization as they tend to be more cost-effective and therefore attract jobs.
The benefits of globalization have been questioned as the positive effects are not necessarily distributed equally.
One clear result of globalization is that an economic downturn in one country can create a domino effect through its trade partners.