The health professional who takes care of the case of the boy with fragile X syndrome should know that it is common for patients with this syndrome to have mitral valve prolapse.
Fragile X syndrome (FXS or SXF) is a genetic and hereditary condition, responsible for a large number of cases of mental deficiency and behavioral disorders, affecting one in 2,000 boys and one in 4,000 women. The syndrome is caused by mutations in the FRM1 gene present in a flaw called the fragile site located at the end of the long arm of the X chromosome.
For many carriers of the mutation, fragile X syndrome is asymptomatic. However, it is common for individuals with this syndrome to present behavioral disorders and intellectual impairment that can be present in different degrees, from mild learning or speech difficulties.
Some physical characteristics may suggest the presence of the syndrome from birth. This is the case of macrocephaly and low muscle tone. There are other subtle signs of the syndrome that become more evident with growth. They are: elongated face, large flapping ears, prominent jaw, very high and arched roof of the mouth, strabismus and myopia, joint hyperextension, hollow chest, mitral valve prolapse, recurrent otitis and, in 20% of cases, convulsions.
A. fertility awareness
Birth control pills alternate a person's hormonal systems to prevent an egg from being dropped and fertilized, and a condom prevents the sperm from reaching the egg. Fertility awareness is the only one that does neither. It is a method that allows a woman to chart the fertility signs her body produces over the course of a menstrual cycle.
hope this helps!
They are all examples of depressants or antidepressants i think
The answer would be the Sphincter
Es el patrón de pensamientos, sentimientos y conducta de presenta una persona y que persiste a lo largo de toda su vida, a través de diferentes situaciones.
Es considerada como la suma total de las formas en las cuales un individuo reacciona e interactúa con otros.
Otra definición es la organización dinámica dentro del individuo de aquellos sistemas psicofísicos que determinan sus ajustes únicos a su ambiente
Realista: prefieren las actividades físicas que requieren de habilidad, fortaleza y coordinación
Investigador: prefiere actividades que involucren el pensar, organizar y entender
Social: prefiere las actividades que involucren el ayudar y desarrollar a otros
Convencional: prefiere actividades reguladas por reglas, ordenadas y sin ambigüedades
Emprendedor: prefiere actividades verbales donde existan oportunidades donde influyan en otros y logren poder
Artista: prefiere actividades ambiguas y no sistemáticas