All you have to do to find the percent decrease is to subtract your score on Saturday from your score on Friday and divide the result by your score on Friday. If you let "f" represent your score on Friday and let "s" represent your score on Saturday, you can re-write this mathematically:


The percent decrease in shots you made was 20%. That would be option C.
Length of side of new square is 17 inches
Step-by-step explanation:
- Step 1: Let the length of the side of the old square be x. Then length of side of new square = x + 3 and Perimeter of new square = 40 + 2x
Perimeter of a square = 4 × side
⇒ 4(x + 3) = 40 + 2x
⇒ 4x + 12 = 40 + 2x
⇒ 2x = 28
⇒ x = 14 inches
- Step 2: Find length of side of the new square
⇒ x + 3 = 17 inches
84 cm²
Step-by-step explanation:
Surface area of the polyhedron = the sum of the areas of each parts of the net = area of 2 triangles + area of each of the 3 rectangles
Area of 2 triangles:
Base = 4 cm
Height = 3 cm
Area of the 2 triangles = 2(½*base*height)
= 2(½*4*3) = 4*3 = 12 cm²
Area of rectangle with the following dimensions:
Length = 6 cm
Width = 4 cm
Area = length * width = 24 cm²
Area of rectangle with the following dimensions:
Length = 6 cm
Width = 5 cm
Area = length * width = 30 cm²
Area of rectangle with the following dimensions:
Length = 6 cm
Width = 3 cm
Area = length * width = 18 cm²
Surface area of the polyhedron = 12 + 24 + 30 + 18 = 84 cm²
Necesitas reconocer los múltiplos u submúltiplos del sistema métrico decimal si son lineales por cada nivel que avanzas multiplicas o divides con el 10
siempre y cuando la unidad de medida es el metro ese queda al centro.
Km Hm Dam m dm cm mm yo los ubico en escalera el metro queda al centro y de cualquier lugar que te posicionas,buscas a donde quieres convertir y revisas si vas a la derecha multiplicas por 10 o si vas a la izquierda divides entre 10 siempre y cuando sea un lugar a donde te vas a mover si son dos lugares es con el 100 por que 10x10 es 100 y si son tres lugares es con el 1000 porque es 10x10x10.
ejemplo 2000m convertirlos a Hm= 20 Hm dividí 2000 entre 100 porque me moví 2 lugares a la izquierda otro ejem. 100 Dam convertirlos a cm=100000 porque 100x 1000 por que avance 3 lugares a la derecha