R. K Public School
11th March
This is to inform to all the students that the school is organizing a tour to shimla. Those who want to go Can give their names to Your respective class teacher.
Raman Malik
Head boy
What is the best food?
What is one food you'd eat for the rest of your life if you could only eat one thing?
What is America made out of?
From google Dictionary
Enter a word, e.g. "pie"
proj·ect man·ag·er
the person in overall charge of the planning and execution of a particular project.
It just explains and tells the importance of the idea
The connotative definition of the word snake: One who is untrustworthy or presents an unseen danger
The denotative definition of the word snake: A scaly, limbless, elongated, sometimes venomous reptile
A sentence featuring the literal meaning of the word snake: Anita told everyone she would like a snake for her birthday.
A sentence featuring a simile with the word snake: The kite string was wrapped around the branch like a snake.
A sentence featuring a metaphor with the word snake: Todd was a snake in the grass, waiting for a chance to strike.
Words have two types of meaning:
- Denotation - their literal meaning;
- Connotation - the emotional or cultural association they carry.
Both the metaphor and simile are figures of speech used to compare two different things. This comparison is based on the similarity of one of their aspects. The simile is recognizable by the use of words <em>like </em>and <em>as</em>, while the metaphor omits them, stating that something is something else.
With this information, we can easily solve the question you were given.