When Gabriel wakes up crying, Jonas pats his back while remembering a wonderful sail on a lake transmitted to him by the Giver. He realizes that he is unwittingly transmitting the memory to Gabriel and stops himself. ... The Giver transmits the terrible memory of a battlefield covered with groaning, dying men and horses.
To find the rhyming scheme, we consider the last words in the sentence.
So in this paragraph it is breed, need, move, love. Here 'breed' and 'need' rhyme and 'move' and 'love rhyme, so the marking scheme is
I didn't understand the first part of the question, could you elaborate more
No. Her mother is trying to look out for her, but she is in a position that the choice to date or not is katies.
A mouse is being chased by the cat
We are as clouds that veil the midnight moon;
<span>How restlessly they speed, and gleam, and quiver </span>